Every move you make…

They’ve got us rat-holed, pigeon-hold, every way from Sunday shut down, lock down, railroaded, confused and just plain tired of it all…

In America, when you reach that certain age, you become entangled in the web of insanity known as Medicare.  I say this primarily because mainstream doctors have to adhere to so many rules and guidelines for practice, in order to claim the insurance payment.  They do call it Medicare Insurance.  I’ve never completely trusted insurance of any kind.  I’m sorry, but there are no guarantees in life!

Around 1938, in rural Texas, they had one doctor.  He came into town once a month and treated everyone that required it.  Then he left again until next time.  I remember when going to the doctor started to become receiving a referral to another doctor, the specialist.  Now I just get referred to the surgeon.  I’m serious.

Now I receive multiple packets in the mail, large white envelopes, from the government agencies that regulate Medicare, wherein you have many layered questions aimed at determining your level of disability or need to receive the Medicare.  As far as I can determine, the clear and obvious aim of the entire program is to get you in to see a doctor as often as possible.

I have seen first hand how cruel health care workers can be to patients, in many different settings and circumstances.  Try to imagine coming on shift to thirty-three patients on your wing, with only a nurse cemented to her station in the hallway for 8 hours.  Each patient is in various stages of dying, or in the sadly ironic case, still trying desperately to live.  You alone are responsible for all the needs of these people, and the first thing they teach you in these jobs is to move fast.  Modern doctors tend to want to move fast.  That’s one of the things that concerns me.

In the community where I live, you have only a slim handful of options, as far as health care is concerned.  If you don’t want to submit to the machine that is the ruling elite of physicians in this county, then the few single practitioners are what is left, and they are usually packed with patients.  The young man I was going to, seemed to have no connect with his actual impact on the community…  no real grasp of what he was supposed to be doing. Instead, he was focused on the internal drama and workings of his office, as he sought to navigate the business he found himself in.  The way the business was lined out for him, he had few options in terms of treatments.  After seeing many red flags over time, I last heard and saw in the newspaper where a disgruntled patient had burned down his office space.  You could not forget those images.

The last two vehicles I purchased used didn’t last more than five or six years.  When they took my last van away, it looked like buying another would not happen again for me.  I live three miles from the nearest town.  The doctors there are family doctors who have lived and worked and treated the same people for years.  They seldom take on a new patient.  I know because over the years I have called trying to get in and been turned away.  More and more people using Medicare are being turned away.

In America now, specifically in the Austin, Texas area, you have a tremendous group of professionals of all fields of expertise, who practice holistic medicine.  Medicare insurance does not pay for alternative medicine.  I know several physicians and psychiatrists who have left government jobs and gone private.  They do not take Medicare.  Most other disciplines such as Acupuncture, and the purveyors of herbal medicines do not accept insurance.

Having come from a legal background, and having perused these questions in this government packet, one thing that stood out was where it mentioned something about complying with your doctors’ orders, which would include medications.

Personally, I want to be healthy.  All I see in this system, in this program, is negative.  I don’t see people being helped at all.  Perhaps the Mexican patients with all their children were the primary demographic targeted in the first place, as I noticed in the primary doctor’s office I went to.  The one that was burned to the ground.  Beware the masters you serve.

So in America, if you want to see a dentist, get out your wallet.  Get ready to get deep down into that wallet, and expect for it to span out over multiple visits…  as long as you are game…   If you want to speak to a professional in the mental health arena, if you are concerned about anything to do with your personality, or your particular mental issues, once again, be prepared to part with large sums of money in order to get on their docket, if you can.

It shakes me to my core, brings me to my knees, to face a system that has no heart.  A never-ending group of people all bending to the whims of a paperwork system designed to make money for a government in control. And so we look for other options and we make do.  We seek to survive on our own as long as we can.  For the great majority of Americans, whether educated or not, having tons of extra disposable income, isn’t reality. Most individuals just do not have hundreds and thousands of dollars to spend past the vitals of existence.  In this country, health care does not include dental care, does not include mental health care, or sometimes specialty doctors, someone who practices outside the mainstream.

But now that very system seeks to drag me back into the fray, evaluate my level of cooperation and compliance.  That’s enough right there to make me feel sick.  But this is just one example of the plights of the economically disadvantaged citizens in America.  If you have been able and smart enough to build adequate financial foundations and barriers against such problems, then I salute you!  If you are strong and confident in your ability to provide sustained protection for you and your family over the coming years, again, that’s to be congratulated.  I could be your grandmother.  After living and working my lifetime in this country, finding a good doctor or health clinic should not be so hard.  Having access to affordable and ethical dentistry has been a lifelong problem.  How do you write on a government questionnaire, that your poor health is a result of a failed system.  That your doctor’s office was burned to the ground and you suffered a total loss of faith in the system as a result.

I am clean now.  I kicked all of the drugs he had me on.  I feel okay too. Aside from the issues of dental health, and lack of available organic foods rich in nutrients, lack of ability to purchase supplements, and no doctors anywhere near me accepting patients, my health is about what one would expect for my age and economic situation.  I rely on myself and my friends.

Today I pick up my pen, and I will put to paper certain answers that will determine my future.  They just sent me this packet a few days ago, and there is a subtle deadline given of Dec. 31, I believe.  That would be a small window of time in which to respond, or otherwise lose all benefits.  A time when your mind isn’t really centered on government and health care.  It’s cold outside and end of December has always meant family to me, and being home.  Not for making appointments and going to see doctors, when you aren’t even sick.

“They don’t want a person capable of critical thinking.”  George Carlin

Be honest.  Be brutally honest.  Just see what happens.